

Stefano Cassetti’s performing work is indistinguishable from his installations, the diversity of practices is part of a formal logic and theoretical continuity. Within the historical line of body art, his performance often seems to place him in a disruptive or dangerous situation for his integrity, putting his body and its limits in front of a challenge.

His performing art references body art experiments from the 60s: exploration of suffering and pain, brute physicality, reflection on issues of gender and identity, sexuality and political dimension of «social body». Many installations act put on exhibit to induce a strong viewer reaction.

Stefano Cassetti tries to overcome these dimensions by showing experiences almost minimalist, sometimes close the ritual, concerning more the notions of withdrawal and lack, than the representation or the show itself. If the vulnerability of the body remains the issue, it is never provided or exhibited.

Marie Deparis-Yafil, april 2013.


Group exposition Lost - 48 hours artfestival by EnterArt Foundation and PriestsAndPrawns c/o WBB Kinogarten - Berlin, Germany 2017 -perf

Group exposition Liquid Rooms - the Labyrinth by ItsLiquid Group c/o Palazzo Ca Zanardi, part of the official program of Carnival - Venice, Italy 2017 -perf

Group exposition Fridge by Berlinerpool c/o Entretempo Gallery - Berlin, Germany 2015 -perf

Group exposition Adsum c/o Le Sechoir - Mulhouse, France 2015 -2perf

Festival Inact - Strasbourg, France 2013 2perf

Macht Kunst, c/o Kunsthalle by Deutsche Bank - Berlin, Germany 2013 -inst

• Nuit Blanche Paris, Gallery Talmart, curator Marie Deparis-Yafil - Paris, France 2012 -perf

• Nuit des Musées, Musée du Chateau de Montbeliard, curator Aurelie Voltz - Montbeliard, France 2012 -perf

Festival FAR Fabrique à Reves c/o Le6b - Paris, France 2011 -perf

Prosa Garda Festival, curator Marco Basile, Villa Alba, Gardone Riviera - Italy 2006 -2inst

Vivi l’arte, Provincia Mantova, curator Max Rodighiero, Palazzo Gonzaga - Volta Mantovana, Italy 2005 -inst

New look, Ente Italia Artistica, curator Lillo Marciano, Villa Brescianelli, Castiglione d/S - Italy 2003 -inst+perf

Portes Ouvertes Slaaf - Marseille, France 2001 -2inst

Differenziamoci: materiali di scarto e cultura del riuso, Ministero Cultura - Reggio Calabria, Italy 2000 -2design

Crossover: sconfinamenti performativi, Careof, curator Antonio D’Avossa - Chiasso, Swiss 1999 -inst

Videomakers a Milano, Viafarini & Careof, c/o Openspace - Milano, Italy 1999 -video

• Smart Brain Art, CSOA Bulk - Milano, Italy 1998 -2inst+video

I corti di fine millenio, Associazione Fuoricampo, Cinema San Carlo - Milano, Italy 1998 -video

Trartedesign: emergenze in mostra, curator Giomo & Partners - Milano, Italy 1998 -design

Arte Fuori Posto, c/o Politecnico di Milano, curator Stefano Cassetti - Milano, Italy 1997 -3inst+video


Schillerkiez flat's renovation: architecture and interior design - Berlin, Germany 2015-17

Finalist member of Intesa Sanpaolo Start-Up Initiative: end-to-end program for high-tech start-ups - Milan, Italy 2014

• European patent about the double-seat safekeeping bulky baggage, Institut National de Proprieté Industrielle - Paris, France 2006-2013

Salone Satellite, Salone del Mobile di Milano, New Milan Fairgrounds - Milano, Italy 2006

Ferliga's house: architecture and interior design - Garda Lake, Italy 2003-04

3Dmodeling designer, c/o Copersino & Santarelli Architecture Agency: architecture and interior design - Desenzano d/G, Italy 2002-03

Concept and 3Dmodeling for Gestweb, c/o Mucciarelli Advertising Agency - Brescia, Italy 2002

3Dmodeling & animation of ferry-boat, c/o Arch. Gilles Vaton, BGVinnovation agency - Marseille, France 2001

Animation of Invatec stand, c/o Innovazione Advertising Agency - Brescia, Italy 2001

2nd place winner in 4th Annual International Design Resource Awards Competitions - Seattle, Usa 1998

National Design Awards Competition, Commune di Buddusò - Buddusò, Italy 1997


• Go To Market advanced online Academy's seminar by Agora Trentino Sviluppo and Edutech srl about Value Proposition and Business Model, Italy 2017 -

• Isadora advanced workshop by Mark Coniglio creator, c/o Uferstudios: software for real-time interactive control over video through OSC protocol and color & infrared tracking - Berlin, Germany 2013 -

• Isadora advanced workshop by Mark Coniglio creator, c/o Theaterakademie Everding: software for interactive control over digital media, real-time manipulation of digital video - Munich, Germany 2010 -

Workshop Numerique Temps Reel dans le Spectacle Vivant by Georges Gagneré c/o TNS: capture, tracking and real-time scenes - Strasbourg, France 2006 -

Course of high standard training in New Entertainment Design, c/o Politecnico di Milano - Milano, Italy 2005 -

Cultore della materia: assistant of Professor Decio Guardigli, c/o Politecnico di Milano - Milano, Italy 2001

Workshop Planning and organizing cultural and educational events, EU Social Found & Regione Lombardia - Brescia, Italy 1999

Stage c/o Branco Agency: exhibit furniture design & public art - Milano, Italy 1999 -

Scholarship c/o ENSCI: concept furniture exhibit design - Paris, France 1998 -

Industrial Design Graduate c/o Politecnico di Milano - Milano, Italy 1993-99


Magazine Casamica n°4, april 2006, Italy, page 66

Magazine Dangerous Mind n°1, april 2006, Italy, page 34

Catalog Salone Satellite n°9 2006, Cosmit, Italy

Magazine Casa & Giardino, july 2006, Italy

Web-magazine, may 2006, Italy

Magazine Elite, june 2006, Moscow

Magazine D Repubblica n°496, may 2006, Italy, page 28

Web-magazine, june 2006, Italy

Magazine Casaresart n°14, september 2006, Italy

Magazine DDN Lifestyle New York, may 2006, USA

Magazine Interni Panorama, june 2006, Italy, pages 54-57

Magazine Focus, september 2006, Italy, page 181

Magazine Glamour, august 2006, Italy

Magazine Next, july 2006, Hong Kong, pages 128-129

Magazine Plastix, september 2006, Italy

Book (Art)ifact, Victionary, 2006, HongKong

Magazine Men's Health, september 2006, Italy

Web-magazine idCAST, Interaction Design Lab, september 2006, Milano